Making the decision to stop treatment


The decision to stop treatment is a difficult one to make. It’s important for women and their families to get as much information as possible from their treatment team and to weigh up the possible benefits and the side effects of each treatment. Quality of life is important.Ultimately, the decision to stop cancer treatment is the woman’s decision. Family members or partners may not want this to happen.

It can be helpful for women to ask a doctor, counsellor or psychologist to talk to their family or partner about any concerns they may have.

The decision to stop treatment is a difficult one to make. It’s important for women and their families to get as much information as possible from their treatment team and to weigh up the possible benefits and the side effects of each treatment. Quality of life is important.Ultimately, the decision to stop cancer treatment is the woman’s decision. Family members or partners may not want this to happen.

It can be helpful for women to ask a doctor, counsellor or psychologist to talk to their family or partner about any concerns they may have.