Cancer Australia held a virtual roundtable in July 2020 which comprised thirty leading Australian cancer experts and consumers.
Input was sought on the following questions:
- What elements of cancer care changed during the COVID-19 pandemic?
- What is the impact of this change?
- What targeted strategies could be identified to retain, enhance, and embed high-value changes into practice?
Cancer Australia thanks the following cancer experts and consumer representatives who provided input into COVID-19 Recovery: Implications for cancer care.
- Professor Stephen Ackland, Medical Oncologist, NSW
- Professor Sanchia Aranda, Chief Executive Officer, Cancer Council Australia
- Professor Meera Agar, Board Chair, Palliative Care Australia, NSW
- Scientia Professor Michael Barton OAM, Radiation Oncologist, NSW
- Ms Lisa Briggs, Lung cancer consumer, VIC
- Professor Phyllis Butow, Health Psychologist, NSW
- Professor Ray Chan, Cancer Nurse, QLD
- Professor David Currow, Chief Executive Officer, Cancer Institute NSW
- Professor Geoff Delaney, Radiation Oncologist, NSW
- Dr Shelley Dolan, Chief Executive Officer, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, VIC
- Professor Jon Emery, General Practitioner, VIC
- Ms Natalie Halse, Breast cancer consumer, QLD
- Professor Mark Hertzberg, Haematologist, NSW
- Professor Michael Jefford, Medical Oncologist, VIC
- Professor Bruce Mann, Surgical Oncologist, VIC
- Associate Professor Chris Milross, Radiation Oncologist, NSW
- Professor Tracey O’Brien, Paediatric Oncologist, NSW
- Associate Professor Nick Pavlakis, Medical Oncologist, NSW
- Ms Kirsten Pilatti, Chief Executive Officer, Breast Cancer Network Australia
- Dr Peter Pockney, Surgical Oncologist, NSW
- Ms Julianne Quaine, Assistant Secretary, Cancer Policy and Services Branch, Australian Government Department of Health
- Professor Sabe Sabesan, Medical Oncologist, QLD
- Professor Christobel Saunders, Surgical Oncologist, WA
- Professor Eva Segelov, Medical Oncologist, VIC
- Dr Tanya Schramm, General Practitioner, Senior Lecturer Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Education, TAS
- Professor Ben Solomon, Medical Oncologist, VIC
- Dr Christopher Steer, Medical Oncologist, NSW
- Professor Robert Thomas OAM, Chair, Cancer Australia Advisory Council
- Dr Craig Underhill, Medical Oncologist, NSW
- Megan Varlow, Director Cancer Control Policy, Cancer Council Australia
- Dr Helena Williams, General Practitioner, SA
Last updated 30 August 2021
This content is over 2 years old and may contain information that is no longer applicable.