Act early for our Mob’s health

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Cancer Australia has released a new social media campaign, Act early for our Mob’s health, to encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of all ages to see their doctor or healthcare worker with any new symptoms that could be cancer.

There has been recent concern that Indigenous Australians may be staying away from medical services, for fear of catching COVID-19 or not wanting to waste their doctor or healthcare worker’s time.

Act early for our Mob’s health encourages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to stay on top of their health and to seek medical advice if they have a change in their body that is worrying them. Most symptoms are due to something less serious than cancer, but the earlier cancer is found, the better.

There are a number of ways Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can consult with their doctor or healthcare worker. In addition to an initial phone discussion, new telehealth methods are now being widely used, as well as in-person appointments.