Cancer Australia is pleased to announce Kristen Larsen and Professor Anna DeFazio as the 2020 recipients of the Jeannie Ferris Cancer Australia Recognition Award.
The Jeannie Ferris Cancer Australia Recognition Award was established by Cancer Australia in 2013, to recognise outstanding contributions to improving outcomes for women with gynaecological cancers.
Kristen Larsen has been honoured posthumously with the award in the Members of the Community category for her passionate advocacy for ovarian cancer awareness. Kristen was diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer at the age of 21. She dedicated the remaining six years of her life to raising awareness and funds for ovarian cancer. As the face of many campaigns and fundraisers, Kristen appeared across television, print, radio and online media with her story, and through her international advocacy she raised awareness on a global scale.
Professor Anna DeFazio has been awarded in the Health professionals and Researchers category for her outstanding contribution to ovarian cancer research. Professor DeFazio is one of Australia’s leading translational ovarian cancer researchers. For over 20 years, Professor DeFazio has devoted her career to progressing outcomes for women with gynaecological cancer and has shown exceptional leadership in ovarian cancer research.
This Award is named in honour of the late Jeannie Ferris, former Senator for South Australia who was passionately committed to raising awareness about gynaecological cancer in Australia. Senator Ferris was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in October 2005 and passed away in April 2007.