Cancer Australia is calling for nominations for the 2025 Jeannie Ferris Award.
The Jeannie Ferris Award recognises individuals who have made outstanding contributions to improving outcomes for people with cancers in two categories:
- Category 1 - Members of the community: those with personal experience of cancer, as a person with a diagnosis of cancer; or as a community member, family member, or carer who has been involved in the support and care of people with cancer.
- Category 2 - Health professionals and researchers: researchers and health professionals of all disciplines involved in cancer research or clinical care, including (but not limited to) specialists, primary care practitioners, nursing and allied health professionals.
About the Award
Recognising excellence in delivering equity in cancer care
The Jeannie Ferris Award recognises sector achievements in reducing inequities in cancer control across all cancers.
The Jeannie Ferris Award aligns with the Australian Cancer Plan’s goal of reducing inequities across all cancers and acknowledges the contributions of consumers, health professionals and researchers in improving outcomes for all Australians.
Established in 2013, the Jeannie Ferris Award is named after the late Jeannie Ferris, Senator for South Australia, who was passionately committed to raising awareness about gynaecological cancers. The Award continues Senator Ferris’s legacy. Senator Ferris was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in October 2005 and passed away in April 2007.
Selection criteria
In no more than 500 words per question, applications must demonstrate how the nominee meets the following selection criteria:
- How has the nominee’s work or service improved outcomes for people with cancers? Please provide specific examples.
- How has the nominee’s contribution to people with cancer impacted a particular field, community or group? I.e., has their contribution made a local, national and/or international impact? Please provide specific examples.
- Has the nominee's work or service contributed to improving equity of outcomes, particularly for priority populations including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples? (Note: Please refer to the Australian Cancer Plan - Achieving Equity).
- What makes this person’s contribution outstanding? Please provide specific examples (Note: this may include contributions outside their paid work or position). Include any previous awards and relevant committee memberships.
Eligibility criteria
- The nominee must be an Australian resident.
- The nomination must include a short biography of the nominee (of no more than 500 words).
- The nominee, or a member of their family, must give permission for the biographical details provided in the nomination to be used by Cancer Australia in any promotional material, should they be selected as an Awardee.
- The nomination must include two written references that support the nominee’s application.
A list of Frequently Asked Questions has been developed to assist nominations. We recommend that you refer to this before submitting a nomination.
Lodging a nomination
Nominations may be made by any individual using the Nomination Form (PDF 185.13 KB). Each nomination should address the selection criteria. Self-nominations are permitted. All nominations must be accompanied by references from two independent referees.
Nominations are to be sent to Cancer Australia:
By email (PDF attachment) to: jeannieferrisaward@canceraustralia.gov.au
Nominations must be received by COB Friday, 11 April 2025. Late applications will not be considered.
Nominations will be reviewed by a Selection Committee which will provide a recommendation to the CEO and Cancer Australia Advisory Council.
The Awards will be announced in August 2025. Information about the successful Award recipients will be posted on the Cancer Australia website in August 2025.