A number of evidence-based guides have been designed for GPs and other health professionals working in primary care.
- Investigation of a new breast symptom - a guide for general practitioners
Publication date: October 2021
This guide for GPs is designed to maximise the effectiveness of the investigation of symptoms that could be breast cancer. The guide indicates steps to be taken in investigating symptoms that could be breast cancer, and provides information about the triple test approach to diagnosis. The triple test is the recommended approach to investigating new breast symptoms. The triple test involves patient history and clinical breast examination; mammography and/or ultrasound imaging; and the use of non-excisional biopsy. When performed appropriately, the triple test will detect over 99.6% of cancers.
- Guidance for the management of early breast cancer
Publication date: September 2020
This website contains a set of 200 recommendations and practice points for the management and care of early breast cancer from the point of diagnosis . This up-to-date, comprehensive guidance is provided to support all health professionals involved in the management and care of early breast cancer to provide best-practice care. GPs are part of the multidisciplinary care team and, can especially play a primary role in follow-up and supportive care.
- Summary of the development process and methodology for the investigation of a new breast symptom: a guide for General Practitioners
Publication date: October 2017
This summary documents the background and summary of approach to the development of Investigation of a new breast symptom - a guide for general practitioners. It also contains information about the methodology used to develop the guide.
- Starting the conversation: supporting sexual wellbeing for women with breast cancer
Publication date: July 2013
Cancer Australia has developed a resource to support health professionals to initiate discussions around sexual wellbeing with women and their partners, following a diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. The resource includes information on issues of sexual wellbeing and identifies risk factors and prevalence of common symptoms. The resource aims to guide health professionals through key practice points, and provides further referral options to specialist services and web links to additional information. Examples and tips on initiating the conversation are provided to support health professionals to identify and prioritise a woman’s key concerns and offer support to resolve these.
- Follow-up care for women with early breast cancer: a guide for general practitioners
Publication date: March 2010
- Advice about familial aspects of breast and ovarian cancer: a guide for health professionals
Publication date: February 2010
A guide for health professionals, including GPs, that can be used to assess a woman’s risk of breast cancer and epithelial ovarian cancer.
- The use of sentinel node biopsy in early (operable) breast cancer: a guide for general practitioners
Publication date: February 2009
- Breast cancer risk factors - a review of the evidence
Publication date: 2009
A review of the evidence, an up-to-date review of epidemiological studies about risk factors for breast cancer, including gender, age, family history, place of residence, hormone levels, lifestyle factors, medical history and environmental factors.
- Information for general practitioners about the breast cancer drug trastuzumab (Herceptin®)
Publication date: July 2007
- National Framework for Gynaecological Cancer Control
Publication date 2016
The National Framework for Gynaecological Cancer Control identifies priority areas for action across the gynaecological cancer control continuum, including prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, follow-up, supportive and palliative care, and research.
Useful links
Last updated 30 January 2025