Position description
The Senior Design and Production Officer is responsible for the management, creative development and production of all design work within the Health Promotion and Communication (HP&C) team at Cancer Australia and leads the brand management of Cancer Australia’s corporate profile and all public materials.
The Senior Design and Production Officer is also responsible for the project management of key production projects including the Annual Report, the design, production and development of electronic assets for all digital platforms, creation of print ready resources, setting design styles and presentation templates across the organisation, operating within production budgets, managing external providers and contractors relevant to the production process and undertaking administrative and procurement duties in compliance with government regulations.
Please download the position description. (PDF 140.9 KB)
How to apply
Write a one-page pitch and tell us why you are the right person for the job. We want to know why you are interested in the role, what you can bring to Cancer Australia, and how your skills, knowledge, experience and qualifications are applicable to the role. In a nutshell – why should we hire you? (maximum words 1000)
Your application must include an Application Cover Form (DOCX 96.91 KB), written pitch and your resume.
Please send the completed Application Cover Form, with Your Letter and current Resume through to recruitment@canceraustralia.gov.au
Applications for this position close at midnight on Sunday, 6 April 2025.