The use of biopsy techniques for the assessment of suspicious lesions detected by screening mammograms varies across Screening and Assessment Services (SAS) within the BreastScreen Australia program. Accurate biopsy information is essential as women with screen-detected lesions and their health professionals make decisions on their management options using this information.
As part of the development of this Position Statement, a high-level review was undertaken to identify and evaluate up-to-date clinical evidence and current national and international guidelines on the use of FNA and core biopsy techniques in the screening setting. In addition, an analysis of available BreastScreen Australia data was undertaken to provide contextual information regarding trends between 2004 and 2015 in the use of FNA and core biopsy, and the extent to which National Accreditation Standards (NAS) have been met by FNA and core biopsy (albeit for the differing circumstances in which they are used).