This Position Statement was developed by Cancer Australia, based on a high level review of recent evidence, and national and international guidelines to March 2017 to provide the evidence base.
The research questions were informed by the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) Clinical Utility Card for heritable mutations which increase risk in breast and/or ovarian cancer.1 Searches were undertaken in PubMed, including an updated literature search using the eviQ protocol search strategy for: ‘Genetic testing for heritable mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes’.2 Recent Australian and international guidelines and position statements were sourced.
A Working Group provided expert input into the development of the Position Statement. The Working Group comprised members with clinical, academic and community knowledge and experience, including: specialist and primary care health professionals who provide care for women with ovarian cancer; consumers, including ovarian cancer survivors and/or carers; researchers, practicing geneticists and genetic counsellors.
The scope of this Position Statement encompasses genetic testing for women diagnosed with ovarian cancer (affected women) and genetic testing for heritable, or germline, gene mutations, with a focus on genetic testing of BRCA1 and BRCA2.
For further information refer to Technical Report: Genetic testing for women diagnosed with ovarian cancer.