This section contains a number of guides to assist health services and health professionals implement a multidisciplinary approach to cancer care based on outcomes from a number of national projects and forums.

  • Multidisciplinary care for advanced disease: a guide for cancer health professionals
    Publication date: June 2008
    A guide summarising the multidisciplinary care principles for advanced disease designed to reflect the role of multidisciplinary teams in the advanced disease setting. The principles stress the importance of continuity of care, coordination, and the involvement of the patient and their nominated caregivers, where appropriate, in the treatment and care planning process. They also highlight the shift from primarily hospital-focused interventions to a more community-based approach to care.
  • Multidisciplinary meetings for cancer care: a guide for health service providers
    Publication date: June 2005
    A practical guide providing health service providers and multidisciplinary team members with ideas and tools to improve multidisciplinary care at a local level. The guide will be useful both for groups wishing to implement new MDC meetings and for teams who want to improve the efficiency of existing processes. It includes practical advice, checklists and case studies.
  • Medico-legal implications of multidisciplinary treatment planning meetings
    Publication date: May 2008
    A four-page resource containing a series of recommendations providing practical guidance to health services and health professionals about medico-legal aspects of multidisciplinary treatment planning meetings. The recommendations are based on outcomes from an expert workshop and plenary symposium held during the 2007 Clinical Oncological Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting.