On this page you will find a repository of national and international guidance for health professionals on cancer management and COVID-19. The page has been updated to 09 July 2021 and is no longer being actively maintained. For advice specific to the health sector, please refer to the Department of Health and Aged Care's website.
The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA)
COVID-19 Useful Resources
Date: 31-Mar-2021
Audience: Pathologists
Purpose: Resources to assist pathologists including guidelines and statements.
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR)
COVID-19: Position Statements and Guidance
Date: 18-May-2020
Audience: Radiologists
Purpose: Resources to assist radiology departments including advice regarding the role of imaging in COVID-19 disease.
Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA)
GESA Recommendations on Endoscopic Procedure Triage
Date: 24-Apr-2020
Audience: Health professionals including gastroenterologists
Purpose: Guide to support endoscopists and health systems in appropriately restricting endoscopic procedures.
Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA)
Considerations for Australian Endoscopy Units During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Date: 20-Mar-2020
Audience: Health professionals including gastroenterologists
Purpose: Recommendations for the safety and wellbeing of staff and patients involved in endoscopic procedures in Australian Endoscopy Units.
National Health Service (NHS) England and NHS Improvement coronavirus
Urgent cancer diagnostic services during COVID-19
Date: 16-Feb-2021
Audience: Health professionals
Purpose: Guidance for adapting urgent cancer diagnostic pathways in the context of COVID-19 recovery.
National Health Service (NHS) England and NHS Improvement coronavirus
Clinical guide for triaging patients with lower gastrointestinal symptoms
Date: 16-Jun-2020
Audience: Health professionals including gastroenterologists
Purpose: Guidance on management of patients with lower gastrointestinal symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic.
National Health Service (NHS) England and NHS Improvement coronavirus
Clinical guide for the management of patients requiring endoscopy during the coronavirus pandemic
Date: 02-Apr-2020
Audience: Health professionals including gastroenterologists
Purpose: Guidance on endoscopy procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Royal College of Radiologists (RCR)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) clinical radiology resources
Date: 27-Jul-2020
Audience: Radiologists
Purpose: Links to key publications about radiology in the COVID-19 pandemic, including the RCR position on the role of CT in patients suspected with COVID-19 infection.
The American College of Radiology
Management of lung nodules and lung cancer screening during the COVID-19 pandemic: CHEST expert panel report
Date: 23-Apr-2020
Audience: Pulmonologists, thoracic radiologists, thoracic surgeons and clinicians
Purpose: Consensus statements to guide clinicians managing lung cancer screening programs and patients with lung nodules during the COVID-19 pandemic.
American Association of Ophthalmic Oncologists and Pathologists (AAOOP)
Ocular pathology recommendations during COVID-19 from the American Association of Ophthalmic Oncologists and Pathologists (AAOOP)
Date: 21-Apr-2020
Audience: Ocular pathologists
Purpose: Guidance for ocular pathologists during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Asian Pacific Society for Digestive Endoscopy (APSDE)
Practice of endoscopy during COVID-19 pandemic: Position statements of the Asian Pacific Society for Digestive Endoscopy (APSDE-COVID statements)
Date: 02-Apr-2020
Audience: Health professionals including gastroenterologists
Purpose: Guidance for endoscopy centres on management and preventive measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Italian College of Breast Radiologists by the Italian Society of Medical Radiology
Breast imaging and cancer diagnosis during the COVID-19 pandemic: recommendations from the Italian College of Breast Radiologists by SIRM
Date: 13-Jul-20
Audience: Breast radiologists
Purpose: Recommendations for breast care provision and procedural prioritization during the COVID-19 pandemic.
European Federation for Colposcopy (EFC) and European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO)
Considerations about human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination, screening programs, colposcopy, and surgery during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
Date: 02-Jun-2020
Audience: Health professionals
Purpose: Guidance on the continuity of vaccination and screening programs, as well as the management of lower genital tract preinvasive and invasive diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic.