The way a clinician and the treatment team relates to, and communicates with a patient can significantly benefit the patient and their family, including improvements in psychosocial adjustment, decision-making, treatment compliance and satisfaction with care.
Communication skills training modules
Communication skills training modules includes a summary of the relevant research and guidelines about how best to address issues when communicating with patients with cancer.
- Breaking bad news
Breaking bad news - Evidence from the literature and recommended steps
Breaking bad news - Summary of recommendations
- Eliciting and responding to emotional cues workshop resources
Emotional cues – Evidence from the literature review and recommended steps
Emotional cues – Summary of recommendations
- Communicating prognosis workshop resources
Communicating prognosis – Evidence from the literature review and recommended steps
Communicating prognosis – Summary of recommendations
- Addressing the needs of younger women workshop resources
Younger women – Evidence from the literature review and recommended steps
Younger women – Summary of recommendations
- Discussing the transition from curative to palliative care
Palliative care – Evidence from the literature review and recommended steps
Palliative care – Summary of recommendations
Find out more
Last updated 7 February 2025