Living with cancer has information about physical, emotional and practical issues during and after diagnosis and treatment.
Cancer Australia's resource Cancer – how are you travelling? provides information to help you understand the emotional and social impact of cancer. Order or download a copy.
The Cancer Council in your state or territory can give you general information about cancer, as well as information on resources and support groups in your local area. Call the Cancer Council Information and Support Helpline from anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call on 13 11 20.
Other cancer support organisations can also help you and your loved ones deal with the challenges of cancer.
Cervical Screening Tests
For more information about what happens after an abnormal cervical screening test, go to the National Cervical Screening Program.
Fertility and sexuality
If you are experiencing a sexual problem because of cancer treatment, you may find it helpful to discuss it with your doctor, or you may feel more comfortable talking to a hospital counsellor, social worker or psychologist.
Cancer Australia has developed a resource, Intimacy and sexuality for women with gynaecological cancer – starting a conversation, to support people (and their partners) in understanding and addressing issues of intimacy and sexuality following the diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological cancer. It aims to empower people so they can ask questions that they may otherwise avoid asking due to embarrassment or other concerns.
The Cancer Council Information and Support Helpline – 13 11 20 – can also put you in touch with a counsellor or a sex therapist and can provide a copy of the booklet Sexuality, intimacy and cancer.