Breast reconstruction images
To view these images simply click on the section you are interested in below.
- Reconstruction using implants
- Latissimus Dorsi (LD) Flap reconstruction
- Deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) Flap reconstruction
It is important to remember that aesthetic outcomes of breast reconstruction are dependent upon many factors and vary with each individual. The outcomes depicted in these photographs may not reflect your aesthetic outcome. You are encouraged to request to view other photographs of breast reconstruction surgery undertaken by your chosen breast reconstruction surgeon, as surgical technique will differ between surgeons.
There are no actual photographs of women who have chosen to undergo preventative (prophylactic) mastectomy and breast reconstruction. Women who are considering preventative (prophylactic) mastectomy and breast reconstruction should view photographs of women who have had bilateral immediate breast reconstruction.
When viewing these photographs it may be particularly useful to note:
- The existing differences between the woman’s two breasts before their removal (for those who have immediate breast reconstruction);
- Comparison of the before surgery photographs with the final photograph following surgery;
- The appearance of the reconstructed breast with a bra on.
These photographs have been sourced from the Royal Perth Hospital Breast Surgery Gallery and Mr David Pennington, with the express permission of the women who appear in these photographs.

The images are provided in low resolution quality for web viewing, and are not print quality. They are provided for the purpose of online viewing, information and reference only. Images should not be re-published, copied or manipulated in any way. Click here for more information about Cancer Australia's copyright and the Cancer Australia website disclaimer.