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National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Framework

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Framework (the Framework) provides high-level guidance and direction for the many individuals, communities, organisations and governments whose combined efforts are required to address disparities and improve cancer outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

This Framework is designed to complement and enhance national, jurisdictional, regional and local efforts to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer outcomes, including cancer plans and related policies, frameworks and action plans. It sets out priority areas for action, and allows the flexibility for jurisdictions, communities and organisations to address those priorities in ways that suit their local context and local needs.

This Framework encompasses the full continuum of cancer control, including cancer prevention, screening and early detection, diagnosis and treatment, palliative care and survivorship; and the policy, systems, research and infrastructure that surround these service areas.

File size:
8.8 MB
Document status:
Greater than 5 years. This resource was developed, reviewed or revised more than 5 years ago and may no longer reflect current evidence or best practice.
Publication audience:
Cancer Australia reports and plans
Year of publication: