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Support to transition to palliative care for people with metastatic cancer

Cancer Australia has today released a guide Finding the Words – starting a conversation when your cancer has progressed to assist those diagnosed with metastatic cancer with the transition to palliative care. When people with cancer find out that their cancer has progressed, this can present a whole new set of challenges that can seem overwhelming.  Palliative care aims to help people with metastatic cancer live as well as possible, relieve symptoms and improve day to day life.  The most difficult step is often is finding the words to start a conversation with health professionals, family and friends. The guide provides information, guidance, and helpful quotes and stories from people with cancer describing their experiences. 

To download or order a copy visit: Finding the Words – starting a conversation when your cancer has progressed

Other resources

Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) has today released a new edition of Hope & Hurdles, a free information resource for women and men living with metastatic breast cancer. Hope & Hurdles is available free of charge to anyone in Australia living with metastatic breast cancer and can be ordered by calling 1800 500 258 or at