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Encouraging Australian men to act on cancer

One in two men in Australia will develop cancer in their lifetime. Men are at higher risk of developing cancer compared with women, yet 3 of the 4 most common cancers in men are potentially preventable.

As part of Men’s Health Week, (June 9 – 15), Cancer Australia is raising awareness of the two cancers which only affect men; prostate and testicular cancer, as well as those cancers which are most common in men; bowel, melanoma and lung cancers.

Cancer Australia is encouraging men to take action to reduce their risk for cancer and to act on any changes that could be signs of cancer.

Professor Helen Zorbas, CEO, Cancer Australia, said more than half of all cancers are diagnosed in men.

“While bowel, melanoma and lung cancers are three of the four most common cancers in both men and women in Australia, men are more likely to be diagnosed with these cancers and to die from them compared with women.” Professor Zorbas said.

“Importantly, these cancers remain among the most potentially preventable cancers.”

“The two cancers affecting only men, prostate and testicular cancers, have among the highest survival rates of all cancers. Ninety two percent of men with prostate cancer, and 98% of men with testicular cancer can expect to be alive at least 5 years after their diagnosis.” Professor Zorbas said.

“Early detection is vital to improving survival outcomes. It’s important for men not to let fear, embarrassment or uncertainty stand in the way of seeking medical advice.”

“While the risk of developing cancer increases with age, men of all ages can take steps to reduce their risk by quitting smoking, being sun smart, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding sedentary behaviour, eating a balanced and nutritious diet and limiting alcohol consumption.”

“Men aged 50 and over are also encouraged to participate in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.”

During Men’s Health Week, Cancer Australia is also encouraging women to get behind the men in their lives to make sure they put aside any fear or embarrassment and speak to a doctor about any unusual changes or new symptoms they may be experiencing.

Media contact:

Simon Thomas (02) 9357 9401 or 0438 209 833